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Anne Lindberg
Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
Recommendation by Robin Dluzen

Anne Lindberg's current work divides between a series of drawings' object quality and a string installation's intuitive color and space.


Continuing through October 20, 2012


In “Sustaining Pedal,” artist Anne Lindberg presents a series of optically boggling drawings and her "Zip Drawing," a site-specific string installation. Both are rooted in the artist’s long-time engagement with the parallel line to induce a heightened awareness of our sense of sight, though the difference between viewing the two bodies of work is like night and day.  


From afar, Lindberg’s graphite and colored pencil drawings on cotton mat board are resolutely non-referential blotches that, upon closer inspection, reveal themselves to be intricate parallel lines varying in tones that are determined by the pressure of the artist’s hand on the graphite. The drawings produce their optical illusion through their two-dimensionality, their objectness and the record of their rhythmic making. "Zip Drawing," with its hundreds of colored strings suspended across a corner of the gallery, gives way to no such logic. Lindberg’s "Zip Drawing" confidently confounds our eyes at any distance, a true manipulation of the way we perceive three-dimensional space. 

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