Editorial : Recommendations
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'Rogue Wave 09'
at L.A. Louver Gallery, Venice, California
Recommendation by Elenore Welles/Diane Calder

Fran Siegal’s airy net-like form, created from monofilament, mylar and colored film, wraps around the gallery entrance to the annual group show Rogue Wave 09, itself and object lesson in how to position and exhibit diverse works of art. The exhibit showcases ten artists who work in Los Angeles in a variety of media. Dianna Molzan’s oil and string creations fall within the minimalist tradition. Ann Lapin paints deeply  saturated abstractions of fragmented landscapes. Olga Koumondourous’ elongated rain gutter commands a private space allowing for concentration on what might be trapped, what washed away. It is isolated from bursts of sound emanating from Micol Hebron’s dual projection video screen commentary on the futility of war, “Bubble Gum Pop.” Tia Pulitzer elicits memories of ancient sculpture, particularly in “The Mourner,”  a  bronze hooded monk. The application of heat sensitive urethane paint , however, makes it a distinctly 21st  century creation. Cartoon-like evocations of pop culture, still ubiquitous in the contemporary art scene, are well represented here. Richard Kraft provides an abstract comic strip in ”Kapitan Kloss.” Erin Cosgrove offers satirical mythological figures in paintings and in a loopy animated digital video. They tackle religion, class and romance as they dance and sing through a timeline of human existence. Matt Wedel uses glazed clay to invent strange, cartoon-like children, animals and a  tree that bursts with multi-colored flowers. Mounting the stairs leading to the second floor gallery, Kaz Oshiro’s “Untitled Corner Piece” gradually reveals itself, drawing viewers towards the magic he performs on its painted surface. Although most of these artists are not short on philosophical interpretations, you’ll do well just to enjoy the free associations.

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