Editorial : Recommendations
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'30th Anniversary Exhibition'
at Christopher Grimes Gallery, Santa Monica, California
Recommendation by Jody Zellen

Lisa Yuskavage, 'Three Gloves / One Girl Holding Another Girl's Leg', 2009, pastel on paper, two parts, each: 15-1/4 x 15 x 1-1/8'.

Thirty years is a long time for a gallery and the fact that Christopher Grimes is celebrating his 30th Anniversary Exhibition should be seen as something to celebrate. Rather than present something by everyone he has ever shown, Grimes chose to limit the artists and present a cohesive grouping of works. While most of the works are by artists he currently works with, there are a few gems by artists he no longer shows, like Lisa Yuskavage, represented by a 2009 pastel on paper. Other highlights include large scale works on paper by Scott Short, as well as evocative pieces by Juliao Sarmento, Joao Louro, Katharina Grosse and Anton Henning.

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