Editorial : Recommendations
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Zoe Sheehan Saldana
at Steve Turner Contemporary, Miracle Mile, Los Angeles, California
Recommendation by Jody Zellen

The objects in Zoe Sheehan Saldana's exhibition appear to be ordinary things one could buy in a store or find in the street: matches, a book of Cliff's Notes, paper towels and twine. Each of the objects however has been hand-crafted by the artist using a wide range of materials. The new object looks exactly like the mass produced one. A row of bright orange life preservers hung on the gallery wall in various sizes suggests that everyone can be saved and one size does not fit all. Saldana works in various media creating both objects and videos. Her works are concerned with the relationship of man to nature as well as the passage of time, as articulated in "1 Second / 1 Hour," which shows a single view of a Vermont landscape photographed 50,000 times at ten-minute intervals. Played at six frames per second, the images condense one year of real time into 140 minutes.

Published courtesy of ArtScene ©2009

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