Editorial : Recommendations
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Susan Logoreci
at Cirrus Gallery Los Angeles, California
Recommendation by Jeannie R. Lee

Continuing through April 6, 2011

Susan Logoreci's painstaking color pencil drawings are about the size of a decent-sized TV screen and contain an alarming amount of visual information that your brain is at best nearly sure of comprehending. Like a Haruki Murakami novel, the impression of urban normalcy is a false one. For instance, in "Hollywoodlandgrab" what appears to be a matter-of-fact depiction of a Los Angeles neighborhood (often pieced together from collages of aerial photographs), is missing quite a large amount of information. The geometric patterns of blank space superimposed over the gaily-colored buildings is faintly sinister in this unpeopled landscape. Logoreci seems to be in the business of mischief-making, and is at her best when she wreaks major havoc with pictorial space.

Cirrus Gallery

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