Editorial : Recommendations
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Meredith Dean
REM Gallery, 
San Antonio, Texas
Recommendation by Dan R. Goddard

Continuing through June 10, 2011

Fleeting glimpses and the multiple levels of information they can contain merge in Meredith Dean's "Transpositions." Responding to a specific place on a given date, each of her puzzle-cut relief prints incorporate layers upon layers of information derived from various types of maps, including geographic, topographic, sky, wind, river, stars and geologic fault lines. Constellations linked by gold lines emerge against blue, navy blue, yellow and green backgrounds, suggesting reality captured in multidimensional detail.

"SATX Tondo III," for example, charts the night sky in San Antonio on a specific day this year, January 25, when 50,000 protestors first occupied Cairo's Tahrir Square, eventually toppling the Egyptian government. The date also happened to be the birthday of the artist's 96-year-old mother. The large-scale monoprint appears to reveal the day's invisible lines of power and influence. Dean also creates cutout wall pieces, such as "Mappa Pieghevole," which resemble unfolded cartographic maps of the globe, looking simultaneously ancient and futuristic.

REM Gallery

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