Editorial : Reviews

Junko Yamamoto
In her new "Cosmic Web" paintings Junko 'Yamamoto combines geometric elements with curvy blobs of brighter color. more...

Joseph Kleitsch
Unlike most of the other California Impressionists, Joseph Kleitsch was interested in townscapes and street scenes. more...

Hank Willis Thomas, “I’ve Known Rivers”
Hank Willis Thomas' "I've Known Rivers" is inspired by a Langston Hughes poem that connects identity to the depths of history. more...

Paho Mann, “Latent Constructions”
With the use of 3D software Paho Mann constructs a composite photo of hundreds of angles to make a complete image. more...

Chris Trueman, “Dividing the Light”
Chris Trueman slathers, sprays, brushes and scraps paint into convincing compositions that are pure visual pleasures. more...

Brenda Mallory, “The North Star Changes"
Brenda Mallory creates her artworks primarily with unconventional materials. She proves exceptionally inventive in the repurposing the cast- more...

Cara Barer / Alex Couwenberg
For "Atmospheric" Cara Barer's photographs of repurposed books and Alex Couwenberg's abstract paintings are crisp yet ambiguous. more...

Elaine Reichek
Elaine Reichek puts her mastery of hand stitched and digitally controlled embroidery to concept. and feminist aesthetic purpose. more...

Celia Alvarez Munoz
Celia Álvarez Muñoz’s artistic vision goes beyond traditional Chicano iconography to the symbols and storytelling of Chi more...

John Roloff
John Roloff has made environmentalism one of the cornerstones of his diverse art practice since the mid-1970s. more...

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