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Charlemagne Palestine
356 Mission, Los Angeles, California
Recommendation by Jody Zellen

Charlemagne Palestine, "CCORNUUOORPHANOSSCCOPIAEEAANORPHANSSHHORNOFFPLENTYYY," 2015 installation view at Kunsthalle Wien, mixed media, dimensions vary

Continuing through April 15, 2018

Charlemagne Palestine covers the walls and floors of the gallery with stuffed animals of all colors, shapes and sizes. Transforming the space into a menagerie of discarded toys (he calls them orphans), “CCORNUUOORPHANOSSCCOPIAEEAANORPHANSSHHORNOFFPLENTYYY” plays with our emotions in an installation that is both sentimental and repulsive. It is difficult not to gravitate to the cute-ness of the objects while simultaneously being hyper aware of over saturation and consumer culture. The animals have been organized by size, color and character — some familiar like the Minions or Elmo— to cover pianos and cascade out from bath-tubs. Others float toward the ceiling in home-made boats. In addition to numerous arrays of animals, Palestine has also painted the windows as well as the walls to create an immersive environment for these journeying creatures.

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