Editorial : Recommendations
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The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, California
Recommendation by Jody Zellen

Zarina, cut Nepalese paper. 69 x 39''. Collection of UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Hammer Museum.


Continuing through December 30, 2012


In "Paper Like Skin" India born, New York based Zarina, displays her talent and ability to create evocative art from paper. These "skins" are variously cut, wrapped and, yes, drawn on. The exhibition presents works from 1961 to the present. Born in India in 1937, Zarina was trained in mathematics and planned to be an architect until she discovered printmaking. 


She interacted with New York based artists who were making minimal, conceptual and process art, culling her own ideas from those methodologies which she incorporated into her own practice. Lines and shapes populate the compositions, which are sometimes pure abstraction and other times studies of patterns and systems. The pieces are invested with map-like qualities as well as references to automatic writing. At times they expand from the wall, enveloping three-dimensional space as sculpture. Under recognized and not seen often in Los Angeles the scope of her oeuvre may well remedy that under exposure. 


Published courtesy of ArtSceneCal ©2012

Hammer Museum at UCLA

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