Editorial : Recommendations
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Ned Evans
at William Turner Gallery, Santa Monica, California
Recommendation by A. Moret

Ned Evans, 'Coalinga,' 2009, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 42'.

Fantastical, spectrally illuminated color fields by Ned Evans in his current show, “Inside the Prism,” recall a childlike curiosity to make sense of the world through a kaleidoscopic lens. Evans’ conscious use of acrylic paint and mixed media explores the relationship between colors beyond the rudimentary grouping of hot and cool. With a heavy hand and wide brushstrokes the colors slowly bleed from one to the next in a horizontal progression. Perhaps the most ambitious work here is “Curico,” a large scale wood panel that the artist has literally chipped away and carved into, making the imperfections of the surface and the disparity of the mixed media elements the focal point. The paint seems to decay in the gallery space. The large expanse of black is an absence of color, where the surrounding pieces are basking in it. “Inside the Prism” speaks to the spectrum of light that the eye cannot penetrate, the amalgamation of color struggling to reveal itself in a raw manner.

Published courtesy of ArtScene ©2010

William Turner Gallery

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