Art Fairs & Associations


333 West Olmos Drive #103
San Antonio, TX 78212

Email: Email venue

September 1-30 annually.


The FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA International Photography Festival is a unique and eclectic forum for the exhibition and celebration of photography and photography-based art forms.

The FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA International Photography Festival has fostered a tremendous growth in the photographic arts in South Texas. Established and mid-career artists showcase their talents alongside a burgeoning pool of avid photographic artists and enthusiasts.This reflects a deep interest in photography both as an art form and as a means of personal and cultural expression. It also points to San Antonio’s expansive, enthusiastic embrace of FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA SAFOTO.

As organizers of FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA, we strive for the highest levels of quality and service for the benefit of festival participants and the community as a whole. We fully engage the rich multiplicity of our combined cultural legacies, and we are proud of the opportunities for outreach, artistic advancement, and economic development that are generated by our Festival.

Aside from the many exhibits on display in San Antonio during the month of September; galleries in Boerne, Bulverde, and Spring Branch, in the Texas Hill Country, also show fine photographic works of regional, national, and international artists.

All FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA events are free and open to the public.

333 West Olmos Drive #103, San Antonio, TX 78212


Fotoseptiembre USA
Various locations throughout San Antonio, Texas
Preview by Dan Goddard

Past Editorial

Fotoseptiembre USA


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