Editorial : Recommendations
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Sean Deckert
Bokeh Gallery at monOrchid, Phoenix, Arizona
Recommendation by Deborah Ross

Sean Deckert, ''Palette 3: Sunset, Dust Storm, Sturgeon Moon,'' 22 x 17,'' archival inkjet print.


Continuing through October 12, 2013

A self-confessed computer geek, Sean Deckert takes time-lapse photography and digital processing to a new level to create ethereal views of city skylines and the often hazy atmosphere above them. Capitalizing on what photographers call the “blue hour” near twilight, Deckert chooses a rooftop vantage point and sets his camera to shoot at intervals. One result is the series of eight photographs called “Palette 3: Sunset, Dust Storm, Sturgeon Moon,” which yields blue- and orange-saturated changes in the sky in the course of an hour. In each photo the sky looms above a Phoenix skyline, emitting a celestial golden glow. 


In a stand-alone piece called “18 Hours, North Facing,” the rooftop camera has snapped almost 1,000 shots over an 18-hour period. Deckert batch-processes the results and uses software to meticulously overlay the images of his choosing. The edges created by the composite are visible only upon close-up viewing. In the end, the piece is an abstract contemplation of color, time and space.


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