Editorial : Recommendations
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Matt Lipps
UCR/California Museum of Photography, Riverside, California
Review by Cherie Louise Turner



Continuing through October 27, 2012


Matt Lipps' photographic series "Horizon/s" are richly colored images made from cutting out images from Horizon's Magazine, recombining them, lighting them with gels and rephotographing them. The photographs juxtapose images from art history and popular culture, weaving together past and present. New relationships are formed from uncanny juxtapositions. Lipps allows images to overlap and plays with shifts in scale and color to emphasize new relationships and insights. This work is less about individuals or specific events than it is about scale shifts and the leveling of dates, genres, mediums and styles into visual sequences. As a modern-day appropriationist he seeks out new ways of linking the then and the now.


Published courtesy of ArtSceneCal ©2012


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