Continuing through July 4, 2010
Nestled in the corner gallery farthest from the entrance to the museum, Anne Mudge\'s ethereal creations move ever-so-slightly and cast complex shadows on the walls. Metal is Mudge\'s primary media, but her forms are graceful and organic, not industrial. She spins and weaves and winds wire, along with tape, asphaltum and plant parts, into forms that are reminiscent of spiders\' webs, bees\' combs or the body\'s systems of bone, muscle, tendons, or nerves. But these are not merely depictions; they are unlike any of what they reference. \"Clutch II\" is a nonsymmetrical elongated balloon-like shape. Mudge\'s obsessive, repeated, labor-intensive acts create a delicate yet strong form, with rows of similar shapes. The patterns remind us of our interconnectedness with nature. They also attest to the significance of a single, minute act and confirm the magnitude of the accumulation of a succession of small acts.