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Bill Dambrova
Treeo, Phoenix, Arizona
Recommendation by Deborah Ross

Bill Dambrova, "Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own," acrylic and oil on canvas

Continuing through December 23, 2015

Human anatomy is a dense network of throbbing vessels, oddly shaped organs, sinewy tissues and branching nerves — a fact that Phoenix artist Bill Dambrova chooses to convey in anarchically psychedelic colors and organic shapes. Yet his deeply layered paintings are also harmoniously composed, incorporating balance, patterns and geometry to reflect upon human complexity and our interconnectedness with nature, even the possibility of animism. The centerpiece of his solo show is the 10-foot-wide “We Come Here to Bring Home Here,” where an ecosystem of veins and bulbous shapes competes with mandala-like forms that symbolize earth, fire, water and air, suggesting coexistence and spiritual connection.

The heightened concepts come through in Dambrova's smaller paintings and mixed media collages as well. “Light It Up,” for instance, suggests a pattern of organ cross-sections or magnified cells, yet the center of the painting is all squiggles and movement. The bottom left corner contains a subdued X-ray-like image. In “I Think I’m Wonderful,” a hot pink uterine shape is surrounded by gold filagree, prompting ideas about the sanctity of life. Another noteworthy work is “Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own,” featuring two almost identical “organs” facing each other. It conveys at once the wonderful symmetry of human anatomy along with its mysterious workings.

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