Editorial : Recommendations
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Esteban Pastorino Diaz
at PDNB Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Recommendation by Patricia Mora

Esteban Pastorino Diaz, 'Pudong,' 2007.


The current Photographs Do Not Bend exhibit is primarily an aerial act. We’re shown architectural constructs from vantage points that offer us the singular ability to momentarily walk on air. Using various techniques and cameras attached to kites (as an example) Estaban Pastorino Diaz shows us typical things from an atypical perspective. However, some of his most interesting pieces aren’t sky high. You can just as easily be entertained at ground level by looking at images of a small Texas town via the use of 3-D glasses or peer into something akin to a contemporary stereopticon. While this isn’t earth shattering stuff, it is well worth a trip to visit.
A particularly poignant image is "Pudong" (2007). It’s fetching. And lit in a manner that demands we surrender to a kind of lingering splendor that hovers in the liminal spaces of reality, memory and dream. This specific image was shot at more than ground level — but that’s not what’s intriguing about it. It’s a reminder that cities are all manner of things: pulsing, serene, vibrant, or even seductive. "Pudong" offers us a beautiful and prismatic, if nearly surreal, cityscape to which we’re inexorably drawn
The current Photographs Do Not Bend exhibit is primarily an aerial act. We’re shown architectural constructs from vantage points that offer us the singular ability to momentarily walk on air. Using various techniques and cameras attached to kites (as an example) Estaban Pastorino Diaz shows us typical things from an atypical perspective. However, some of his most interesting pieces aren’t sky high. You can just as easily be entertained at ground level by looking at images of a small Texas town via the use of 3-D glasses or peer into something akin to a contemporary stereopticon. While this isn’t earth shattering stuff, it is well worth a trip to visit.
A particularly poignant image is "Pudong" (2007). It’s fetching. And lit in a manner that demands we surrender to a kind of lingering splendor that hovers in the liminal spaces of reality, memory and dream. This specific image was shot at more than ground level — but that’s not what’s intriguing about it. It’s a reminder that cities are all manner of things: pulsing, serene, vibrant, or even seductive. "Pudong" offers us a beautiful and prismatic, if nearly surreal, cityscape to which we’re inexorably drawn.


PDNB Gallery

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