Art Museum

Benton Museum of Art at Pomona College

120 W. Benton Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711

Email: Email venue
Phone: (909) 621-8283
Fax: (909) 621-8989

Justine Bae

Tues. - Sun., 12-5pm / Art After Hours, Jan. 24th - May 2nd from 5-11pm.


Mickalene Thomas
Pomona College Museum of Art, Claremont, California
Preview by Jody Zellen
What has set Mickalene Thomas' art apart has been her ability to expand common definitions of beauty. Recogniz

Past Editorial

Mickalene Thomas
Mirella Bentivoglio
Richard Misrach and Kate Orff
John Divola
John Divola
"Glicksman at Pomona"
'The New Normal'


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