Art Gallery

Etherton Gallery

340 South Convent Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701

Email: Email venue
Phone: (520) 624-7370

Terry Etherton

Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-5pm


Joel-Peter Witkin, “Journeys of the Soul”
Etherton Gallery, Tucson, Arizona
Review by Lynn Trimble
Joel-Peter Witkin’s meticulously crafted tableaux combine the human form, still life objects, and nature

Past Editorial

Joel-Peter Witkin, “Journeys of the Soul”
“A Patterned Language”
American Stories: David Hurn, David Graham and Bill Owens
Danny Lyon
“Terra Mater”
“Sightlines” Dick Arentz, Jody Forster, Daniel Leivick
'Ojos Bien Abiertos / Eyes Wide Open'


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