Art Gallery

First Independent Gallery, FIG

NEW ADDRESS to be announced
, CA

Email: Email venue
Phone: (310) 829-0345

Jeff Gambill Director

Wednesday - Saturday, 11am-5pm; & by appointment.


Established and emerging artists from Southern California. The gallery is currently in the process of relocating; to be announcement later in 2019.


Ray Brown, Kate Browning, Marlene Capell, Claire Chene, Laura Danielson, Helen Desmond, Paul Donaldson, Janyce Erlich-Moss, James Farrington, Theresa G. Fernald, Diana Gordon, Shirley Asano Guldimann, Arleen G. Hendler, Carla Jerome, William Lane, Lorraine Lubner, Chris Madans, Sylvia Marcin, Louise Mordaunt, Susan C. Price, Elena Mary Siff, Hilary Taub, Sara Wylie Walsh, Otella Wruck, Yda Ziment


Ray Brown
FIG, Santa Monica, California
Recommendation by David S. Rubin

Past Editorial

Ray Brown
Jeffrey O'Connell
Martin Lubner


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