Art Museum

Museum of Craft and Design

2569 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

Email: Email venue
Phone: (415) 773-0303
Fax: (415) 773-0306

Tuesday - Saturday, 11am-6pm; Thursday until 7pm; Sunday 12-5pm.


Opening in Dogpatch in early 2013, the Museum of Craft and Design (MCD) is an environment for experiencing innovative contemporary work in craft and design that engages the community while stimulating the creative potential in peoples’ lives. The Museum strives to encourage greater awareness and appreciation of the international scope of craft and design to audiences of all ages through innovative exhibitions and related educational programming.

MCD’s exhibitions focus on craft and design in all media. They introduce visitors to a broad range of artists and designers, and to the many approaches to creative expression in these fields. Education programs address a wide variety of topics. Those offered in association with exhibitions enable children, families, and adults to gain a greater understanding of the art and artists presented. Hands-on activities for children through the MakeArt program also give young people an opportunity to explore their creativity.


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