Art Gallery

Anya Tish Gallery

4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006

Email: Email venue
Phone: (713) 524-2299

Anya Tish

Tuesday - Friday, 10:30am-6pm; Saturday, 10:30am-5pm; & by appointment.


Ruhee Maknojia
Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas
Review by Donna Tennant
The elaborately patterned paintings of Ruhee Maknojia are based on fables that engender civil discourse and

Past Editorial

Ruhee Maknojia
HJ Bott
Árpád Forgó
Suzette Mouchaty: Nudies in the Cube

Maxim Walkultschik
William Cannings
Juergen Strunck and Jon Vogt
HJ Bott
George Grochocki and Shayne Murphy
Daniela Edburg
Marcelyn McNeil
Farhat / Shammarey


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