Art Gallery

Blythe Projects - traveling

5797 West Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232

Email: Email venue
Phone: (323) 272-3642

Hillary Metz Owner/Director

Tuesday - Saturday 11am-6pm; & by appointment.


Blythe Projects focuses on late-emerging and early mid-career painters based in Los Angeles.  We represent artists that work at the intersections of Abstract Expressionism and Pop…with a streaks of psychedelia  and psychonautism.


Larry Mullins, Mark Schoening, Michael Salvatore Tierney, Ben White, Dias Sardenberg, Troy Morgan, Tm Gratkowski, Siri Kaur, James Clar


Larry Mullins

by A. Moret
The works of Larry Mullins signal a rare moment where the fragility of language is met with an equally

Past Editorial

Larry Mullins


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