Art Gallery

Broschofsky Galleries

360 East Avenue
Ketchum, ID 83340

Email: Email venue
Phone: (208) 726-4950

Daily, 11am-5pm.


Established in 1987, Broschofsky Galleries features 19th - 21st Century Fine American Art. A collection of museum quality American Indian antiquities compliment the historic through contemporary paintings and sculptures of western and Native American imagery, landscapes, wildlife and abstract works. A prominent selection of photographs from the Edward Curtis project, 'The North American Indian' (1898-1928), portray works from the 30 year project in which Curtis fashioned a magnificent, luminous portrait of American Indian life - documentation of over 125 tribes west of the Mississippi River. Broschofsky Galleries also displays screenprints from Andy Warhol's 1986 suite, 'Cowboys & Indians,' which includes 10 different classic images derived from western and Native American art. A unique and changing collection of the gallery's acquisition of historic works by early American artists is also available.


Paintings/Prings: John James Audubon, Albert Bierstadt, Emil Bisttram, Cameron Booth, Carl Oscar Borg, Stephen Broderick, T.C. Cannon, George Carlson, George Catlin, Russell Chatham, Michael Coleman, Brandon Cook, David Dixon, Joellyn Duesberry, Seth Eastman, Glen Edwards, Luke Frazier, Jan Grotenbreg, Tom Howard, Gene Kloss, Jack Koonce, William Lumpkins, William Matthews, Gordon McConnell, Bill Mittag, Alfred Morang, Lee Mullican, Susi Nagoda, Gordon Phillips, Bill Schenck, Fritz Scholder, Agnes Sims, Beulah Stevenson, Gregory Sumida, Theodore Villa, Andy Warhol, Vladimir Zavalov.

Sculpture: Bill Barrett, Michael Coleman, Ron Cooper, Bill Drum, J.C. Dye, Eileen Murphy, Susi Nagoda, Mike Olsen.

Photography: Ansel Adams, Edward S. Curtis


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