Community Gallery

Bihl Haus Arts

2803 Fredericksburg Road
San Antonio, TX 78201

Email: Email venue
Phone: (210) 383-9723
Fax: (210) 732-6564

Kellen Kee McIntyre

Friday - Saturday, 1-4pm; and by appointment.


'Creating Community through the Arts'

The Mission of Bihl Haus Arts—Creating Community through the Arts—is founded on the belief that each person, when given a chance, will achieve significant personal, social, and cultural growth through the arts.To support our mission, Bihl Haus Arts:

• Nurtures and promotes the work of diverse visual and cultural artists in San Antonio;

• Fosters artistic excellence and intergenerational and multicultural understanding and awareness;

• Creates community between seniors enrolled in Bihl Haus art classes, area established and emerging artists, members of surrounding neighborhoods, and the global art culture; and

• Builds collaborations with other cultural and social service organizations to maximize access to collective resources.


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