Art Gallery

Markowicz Fine Art

23811 Alison Creek Rd., Suite 110
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Email: Email venue
Phone: (949)_ 446-4977

Paul Dahmen

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm; Saturday, 10am-2pm


Since 2010, Markowicz Fine Art Gallery in Miami has highlighted an array of established international artists and exhibited at major art fairs internationally and across the country. Markowicz Fine Art Gallery has three locations. The second Markowicz Fine Art Gallery in the Dallas Design District opened in 2019, and the third gallery location opened in July 2021 in Laguna Niguel, CA.  Each of the Markowicz Fine Art galleries features works from internationally renowned artists including Carole A. Feuerman, Richard Orlinkski, Kai, Idan Zareski, Lyes, Annalu, Arno Elias, Alain Godon, Michael Kalish, Marilyn Minter, and Tom Wesselmann.


Carole A. Feuerman, Richard Orlinkski, Kai, Idan Zareski, Lyes, Annalu, Arno Elias, Alain Godon, Michael Kalish, Marilyn Minter, Tom Wesselmann, and others.


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